Human beings, Human life... They are not capable of grasping this truth. We cannot merely sit idle and await the future. We must dedicate our lives to the realization of the truth.


Fiona is a newly made alchemist: Though her grandfather tried to sacrifice her to steal her Azoth (A type of life energy) she bested him and inheritred everything he had instead, including a name: Aureolus, and has begun to use it. She also inherited the castle and its grounds, and has begun to study prophecy, alchemy, and tries to understand what the search for the Great Truth is, which was once her ancestor’s mission.

Fiona also learned the parents she loved had also tried to sacrifice her for power: This left her with a sense of deep betrayal, as she thought she was loved unconditionally, which got disproven several times over. As a result, she is much more guarded, though not reclusive. Though processing the events that led her to take over the castle took time, it didn’t impede her from taking residence in it. She has dropped out of college, but pursues music on her own, this time as a hobby. Her compositions have turned stranger and more melancholic. She is also restoring it and removing or closing off the dangerous parts of the first mansion, trying to make it inviting. She is now wealthier than she's ever been.


Fiona is a young adult, raised by two school teachers named Ayla and Ugo Belli. She’s well-versed in music, and was studying it in college. However, they were very closed off about their past to her. She was neither spoiled, nor kept at arm’s length, but things were expected from her, and so her childhood and early adulthood were spent either studying or with curriculars. Her parents also took great care of her health, and would often worry about her spasms or frequent anemia. They would also not allow public swimming, and often asked her to cover a birthmark on the back of her shoulder, under the pretense that the sun may hurt her there.

During her first visit from college, her father Ugo opened up for the first time: He was an alchemist who came from a line of alchemists, a tradition all of his descendants followed, and he was taking her to the castle he grew up in. Fiona assumed they’d get to see a mansion, but it was an actual castle.

In truth, her parents were going to kill her: Her birthmark meant Fiona is a carrier of Azoth, a substance used to prolong life and force reincarnation. This was the reason her parents cared so much over her health and why they pushed her to the arts, as it made the Azoth flow much more free within her. They did not get to even voice that opinion, though, because the car they rode in crashed, and her uncle took her, unconscious, to her grandfather’s castle. Her father was stabbed and his Azoth absorbed, with her mother dying in the car crash, and later was dismembered and cooked in a broth that was then fed to Fiona.

During her stint in the castle, she’d realize her father was no true human: Both him and her uncle were created by alchemy, and are 14th generation homunculus clones of Aureolus, bred to slowly harvest Azoth through the course of their lives. Fiona was much more valuable, as she had a human mother, and everyone wanted to slaughter her. To survive, she had to kill her uncle, a woman her grandfather had brainwashed into servitude, and the castle’s garden keeper, another supernatural entity with incredible strength. She also ended up killing her grandfather, who wanted to rape her to force a reincarnation, as he was in the last stages of life, without Azoth to farm from his homunculus “sons”.

Though Fiona is very intelligent and resourceful, she is quite physically weak, and can suffer fainting spells: She could’ve never done it all without the companion of Hewie, a very intelligent dog she saved that the groundskeeper was trying to kill through starvation. He is much more intelligent than a normal dog, and their bond is quite special. Hewie can understand much more than a normal dog, and live longer as well. He goes wherever she goes, and will all his life. He is her main companion.