A mysterious agent, often unphased by gore or horror, quick on her feet at all times. There is some compassion in her, but her eyes are always on the prize.


Regina is a sarcastic, extremely pragmatic, no-nonsense person, and not always the most warm. When on a mission, she is often calm yet serene, no matter how deadly her surroundings are. She is not particularly good at giving comfort, as it sounds too rehearsed coming from her. Maybe this is why she chooses to use humor in terrible situations, even when in the wrong company she has just made things worse. Though a great fighter, she tends to stay away from hand-to-hand combat, preferring to be armed.

Regina is half-asian, with a lean but muscular build, like a very experienced swimmer. She is not naturally red-haired, and she does not try to pass her hair as if she was. It often changes color. By contrast, her eyes are dark brown. She is practical in dress, though no stranger to color in her everyday life, and is almost always armed, even if only with a little knife. She is bisexual.


Regina is an agent of S.O.R.T (Secret Operation Raid Team), a secret government agency with mysterious goals, though they vaguely claim it's "conflict de-escalation". Regina is as mysterious as her employer, as not much is known of her past: even the name Regina is an alias. Whatever her origin truly was, she has shed it long ago. Professionally she is an expert infiltré, martial artist, and mechanical engineer.

It is very rare that people know what she does at all. One of these secrets was a rescue mission of a scientist called Dr. Kirk, who been assumed dead for three years..

He had been spotted in a militarized compound near Florida. The man was in a manic state and had claimed to have found the perfect energy source. However, it was incredibly dangerous: He had learn bursts of incredible energy using machinery that opened portals through time itself, but said portals started stranding people and things throughout the timestream. Among other things, transporting dinosaurs to the present time.

With their ecosystems so completely changed by current infrastructure, the animals went mad and became overly hostile to humans, killing almost everyone involved in the project and destroying much of Dr. Kirk’s research. Regina traveled through a time loop, rescued the scientist, hardcopied all the relevant information, and prevented the breaks through the timestream from opening.

The "Third Energy" as Dr. Kirk called it, was exactly the type of thing S.O.R.T. aims to find and bury. She later repeated this when a town got swallowed into the timestream using the same energy years later, and even traveled to the future herself, where exposure to the Energy raw briefly turned her eyes an unnatural bright blue. She survived without major effects.

Regina is one of the few living witnesses to the Third Energy, and one of the few to survive its effects. The few records of those missions were sealed, and all research and equipment to cause it were destroyed. If images of living dinosaurs surface, they'll quickly be claimed as a good hoax. However, the energy readings that caused all of these events could never be hidden completely, and was spotted by some satellites.